Thursday, September 23, 2010


For my first discussion I’ve been in, I thought it was pretty interesting.  I liked how everyone would just continue to argue back and forth, sometimes it got a little too far to the point where I’d have to look at you to see if you were going to stop it.  But I think everyone had made some good points.  I especially liked almost every argument Brittany made.  She had a reason for everything she said and she had complete assurance in herself that she knew what she was talking about.  One point I thought was really good was how she explained that just because an illegal immigrant pays their taxes, that doesn’t make up for the major law they had broken.  They still did something illegal and unless you serve some jail time, that doesn’t make it right. 

I personally could not decide on whether or not I agreed with the SB 1070.  We currently are in a bad time with the economy and it’s hard for many families, including mine, to keep up with paying so many bills.  I can tell you how hard it is to get a job because I’ve applied to at least 20 stores or restaurants in the past year or so.  The fact that they come over here for a job takes away our right to find one for ourselves to help keep up.  But at the same time, they are coming from a hard life in Mexico.  I’ve only been to Cabo and Ensenada on a cruise and I could honestly say that I didn’t like it and I was really afraid.  We were on a tourist site, so I can’t even imagine how it is farther inside the country.  Along with all the violence from the drug cartels, they’re just trying to get away from that and I know I would too if I lived there.  

Great points were made on both sides in the discussion, making it even harder to decide on whether or not I’m for or against the bill.  I know I did not say anything during the discussion, but honestly I was into watching and listening to it, and I did not feel good that morning.  I almost stayed home sick, but I couldn’t miss your class Palo!  I enjoyed the discussion and I plan on giving my input in the next.


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