Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The mosque debate had become a big issue in the U.S., especially being so close to September 11. The fact that there is a debate at all is incredible; there shouldn’t be one at all. Our country believes in freedom of religion, therefore it should be honored by all people of the U.S. I would have to say I enjoyed learning about how other people felt with this issue and their arguments for or against it. Everyone has the right to their opinion and they all make very good points. However, I still stand by what I believe in and will not change my mind. They should build the mosque, simple as that. We should prove how good of a country we are and stand by our own words as said in the Constitution. If not, we look like hypocrites by going against something we supposedly believe in ourselves.

Sorry this was posted so late, I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be reflection on after being absent for the class discussion. I hope I did okay, but if not I will be there next time and it will be better.

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