Sunday, October 17, 2010

Teacher Evaluation

I was pretty surprised at the answers after my interview was complete.  Some of the answers were kind of obvious while others were surprising that a teacher would believe certain things.  The first question I had asked was how they, as a teacher, would want to be evaluated.  His answer was for it to be based on their performance in class rather than test scores for each class.  Many students also believed this was a better way to evaluate teachers, so this makes me think that maybe teachers should start being evaluated in this way.  Another question was if they think parents should be more involved in their children’s education and it was an exact yes which I believe is to be true.  If parents paid more attention to how their kids are doing in school they’d be able to push their kids more forward into doing better.  The most interesting question I found was the answer to what they would like to see changed in the school system.  As a teacher, he wants to see the better teachers have more of a say in what is coming and going throughout the school.  This is almost like an award for the good teachers and I think this may be a good idea.  Lastly, I had asked how important do you think teachers are in a students’ life compared to the parents and the students themselves, similar to the question you has us answer.  He believed parents are number, and then the teachers come into a close 2nd. Every answer to every question had some reason for it and it gave me a better look at how teachers look into the school system

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